Required Documents

A. Demand Letter
The foreign Employers who are willing to recruit Bangladeshi workers may contact Government
authorized recruiting houses or agents in Bangladesh. To starts recruiting any employer need to issue and
send formal Demand Letter to his preferred one. It also may happen with pre-discussions between both

The Demand Letter should include certain information:
** Type of workers required.
** Category or sector of work or job.
** Number of Workers required.
** Basic Wages/Salary and working hours.
** Qualifications and experience (If needed any).
** Air passage.
** Termination of service.
“* Other terms and conditions of service.

B. Power of Attorney
If visa is required to be stamped for selected workers, the Employer is required to authorize
recruiting agent to recruit workers and apply for visa and to perform others formalities with the concerned
authorities. The Power of Attorney should be attested by the Concern Division of the host country and
thereafter by the Bangladesh Mission/ Labor Attaché in that country.

C. Employment Contact
** Individual Employment Contract Form in English is required to be sent to recruiting agents, in
which the following conditions are to be clearly stated:
** Name of the post
** Monthly Salary / Wages ‘
** Duration of Contract
** Accommodation
** Local Transportation
** Traveling expenses after termination of contract
** Overtime allowance
** Medical Treatment
** Weekly & Annual Holidays.
** The unspecified conditions shall be in accordance with the Labor Laws of the host country.

Selection & Visa Process

A. Passport
There is no question about having a passport may need or not to travel overseas countries. Yes,
passport is mandatory to travel abroad whatever your purpose is. Recruiting agent may also assist the
selected workers who do not have passport to get one as quickly as possible. There is provision for issuing
passport on urgent basis. Every applicant must face verification by the Police department of Bangladesh
before issuing international passport for national security purpose.

B. Collecting Application

After receiving of confirmed Demand letter from the employer, recruiting agent Collect
CVs’/applications through any of a combination of the following ways to lineup the most suitable
candidates for interview/test by the Employers or authorized representative:

** Registered Sub-Agents
** Printing & pasting posters
** News Paper advertisements , :
** SMS blast on targeted database/individuals
** Social media / Web media
** Database of the BMET/BAIRA
** Job seeker’s Forum
** Job portals
** District Manpower offices of the Government
** Technical/Specialized Institutions
After collecting aimed applications/CV go screened by professional Executives of the Company or
by inviting suitably Technical/ Professionals from outside. The short-listed CV’s either sent to the employer
or kept in the office as per desire of the employer and presented at the time of face-to-face interview.

C. Selection
The employer or his authorized representative conducts interview tests in order to select workers
finally. The recruiting agent arranges necessary logistic support to the interviewer and candidates such as:

** Send interview venue/reporting time/dress-code information to the candidates.
** Issuing interview cards.
** Maintain serial.
** Keeping record of selected and rejected candidates by interviewer.

D. Medical Tests
The candidates who are finally selected are sent for medical examination to the appointed/
authorized medical centers. Normally they are medically examined at the centers appointed by the
Embassies/Govt. health dept. of the employer’s country, or mutually selected medical center by employer
& recruiting agent.

E. Visa Process
After successfully completing of medical tests when workers get fit, recruiting agent sent list of the
fit workers to the employer for issuing group or individual visa. Upon issuing visa by employer recruiting
agent need to submit passports for visa stamping to the Embassy of the employer’s country.

F. Manpower Clearance
When recruiting agent get stamped passports from the Embassy its need to be get manpower
clearance from BMET by Bangladesh Government regarding immigration purpose. It’s also called as smart


Departure Procedure

A. Visa and Manpower Clearance
Recruiting agent may need attestation of passports for selected workers. After getting visa,
manpower clearance the selected workers are all set to issue travel tickets.

B. Flight Schedule
Upon getting immigration clearance recruiting agents send flight schedule to the employer
mentioning all details of departure and arrival date and time of the workers along with their name
passports numbers and respective profession. Therefore, employer could manage necessary pre-
arrangements to receive workers at airport and settle them with company’s accommodation facility.

C. Ticketing and Immigration
If employers do not provide joining air ticket, workers will pay for joining air ticket. Recruiting agent
will issue ticket on behalf of the selected workers and will obtain Immigration clearance from the
concerned Govt. Departments of Bangladesh & arrange Air Ticket for the selected workers.

D. Briefing before Departure
Recruiting agent must fulfill the responsibility of providing basic orientation for traveling to foreign
countries. The workers are informed about their duties and responsibilities and given first-hand
information on work environment, rules, regulations and social & cultural tradition of that country. They
are specially cautioned to maintain discipline and to follow strictly the rules and regulation of the

Also recruiting agent need to deliver the information & contact details about who will receive them
sent by the employer/company at the airport on arrival. And also, if workers found none to receive them
or any last-minute surprise arises then how could they ask for any help.

E. Receiving Confirmation
After receiving of all of the workers according to the confirmed flight schedule was sent, the
company representative will send confirmation to the recruiting agent of Bangladesh. Sometime workers
take group pictures with the employer’s staffs at the airport after receiving.